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Old 03-30-2003, 12:48 AM   #5
440 american Horses
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Join Date: Mar 2001
Location: Anoka, MN USA
Posts: 470
Just get one of those add on switch panels and set it under the dash out of sight. Use low profile rocker switches and you won't knock'em witih your knees. I'll try and grab a pic of my set up when its light out tomorrow. I've gotta add a little resistance in the ground for the lights in the switches though, they get kinda bright. OH, I also picked up a lights-on buzzer from JCWhitney that I'm gonna install. Looks really simple and it'll save me from jumping my battery.
Seth Petro

1969 Chev Short Step
425hp 350, TH400, big tires, fast truck
1979 Pontiac Trans Am
1991 Saturn SL1 - gas mileage! (and free)
1977 Buick LeSabre - for sale

May America bless God, and may God bless America
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