Re: My little long bed 62
Ok heres a question or two for you guys.
I got the lights sorta working. with the brake depressed the left lights up like normal but right only comes on dimly. with the lights on the left is normal but the right goes from park lights to completely out. oh and the headlights quit working last night. the turn signal switch is hanging under the dash all busted up at the moment. part on order.... any ideas besides the usual "check for shorts and stripped wires"
I figured out I gotta get my clutch linkage welded for sure. new clutch on order so that'll be nice.
found a crack in my carb to manifold spacer and with all the driving lately the front left cab support brace is collapsing.
took the pesky helper springs in the rear out and it actually rides a little better.
drivers side door handle and handle mechanism stripped out yesterday so a vice grip is doing handle duty.
new wheel cylinders and shoes to go on when they arrive along with new speedo cable and various other parts. 600$ bill from lmc so far with just minor necessary stuff.
Any pic requests?
Last edited by Ghostwhite; 07-03-2009 at 07:47 PM.