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Old 07-04-2009, 01:56 PM   #16
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Re: 87 running lean?

Originally Posted by rfmaster View Post
Ideally, Yes (you may need to get sig lighter to lapy DC-DC converter)

Do you you feel that you lost power at certain range of RPM's while you driving? Then you'll have to capture that engine performance data and the same operating conditions.

Another thought - double check your spark plug routing and re-verify that spark wires are in good shape. One more than occasion I had engine hesitation that was eventually traced down to old spark wires arcing over. Just a thought (and does not cost anything). With engine running, in a dark garage, spray spark wires with a fine water mist. If you see blueish halo around wires or see engine stumble - you found that rascal.

I feel it lost power across the entire range, but it is more noticeable at neighborhood and town cruising. On the highway tho i have to constantly check my speed and usually put my foot in it to keep up at 70 or so. It doesnt make the power to keep itself up there as easily as it used to.

I am going to hook up to my laptop in a bit and check my live data and write it all down as it is set at idling conditions when hot and then i will post and see what ya'll think. oh ya and i will say that when i made a hard stop the other day at a light the engine stumbled and died and then started back up. And it is hard to start cold (four to six seconds)but usually easy when hot already(one or two seconds).

I did the water mist on the spark plugs and wires though and did not see anything and the routing is correct. The cap, rotor, plugs and wires are all about two years old. ACCEL parts except for the wires, they are oreilly house brand
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