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Old 07-05-2009, 12:51 PM   #20
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Re: 87 running lean?

Originally Posted by rfmaster View Post
I have used WinALDL extensively in the past - it is some what primitive, but it does the job. I use Tuner PRO -RT for bin file editing (aka tuning) I have not used it for data capture since I have modified my ECM with EBL conversion. EBL - that's another discussion all together.

In your case capture the standard data stream which should contain the following critical sensor data:

SENSOR:Coolant Temp
SENSOR:Battery Voltage
SENSOR:Knock counter
SENSOR:rich / lean counter
well i'm not using tuner pro now because apparently the RAW data for the coolant temp is not translated properly in the program. I downloaded WinALDL and it shows everything properly so that means the coolant sensor is not the problem but i have a new one now. haha!

I tried to data log with Winaldl but it doesnt seem to create a file or whatever so i cant look at my driving data. But i will say that my knock counter would go up a couple points any time i put my foot in the throttle so i do have a knocking problem and it is definitely going to retard the timing automatically. now the question is why is it knocking when my timing is set properly, my spark wires are good, and all my sensors seem to be operating properly?

oh ya the screen shot doesnt show it because i reset the program accidently but my knock counter was up to 19 or 20 on a two mile trip during which i accelerated a little more than normal a few times.
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Last edited by jesdude7789; 07-05-2009 at 12:54 PM.
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