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Old 07-05-2009, 08:16 PM   #4
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Re: Gauge color question

My brother tcb-1 restored his gauges and I did too based on his recommendations. I took several sheets of paper or card stock and eased them under the needleso that only the needle was exposed. Several sheets are required and it is easy to do. Then tape them down so they will not blow up and let paint under them, be sure to cover ALL areas you do not want painted. Then I LIGHTLY feathered in Krylon flourescent spray paint from Wal mart. Tcb-1 used a small brush to paint them and it may have worked for him but spray worked better for me. He just sprayed paint on a sheet of paper and brushed some on the needle. Let it dry mostly before you pull paper out. Very Light fearthering will do a great job, easier to add to than take away! I have not had to paint the gauge face black, do not know if that is possible.
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