Re: Welding Saddles
Even if it warped really badly right next to the flange, it could still be straightened. It would be more work, but still doable. I have straightened badly bent axles with heat and a narrowing jig. They where bent closer to the center. If it was out close to the flange, you could remove the flange, and re-weld it on a jig.
If you weld 360° around the axle tube, you will be less likely to warp it. But realistically, as long as you aren't welding an 1/8" thick axle on a 3/8" weld setting with no stops, I doubt you will warp an axle enough for it to matter. If you are truly concerned, any shop nearby that can narrow an axle should be able to get it back to within a few thousandths of being straight again. I assume you are running a 12 bolt, which is a vary common axle. Most shops at least have tooling to do GM 12 bolts and Ford 9" axles.
If you can find it cheaper, I can fix it!