Here's a pic of the truck. It's a frame up rebuild and the suspension is newly rebuilt, so I shouldn't have any issues with king pins, etc. The only modifications I think I'll have to make are dropping the steering knuckles for tie rod clearance and dropping the steering arm coming off the spindle to keep the drag link aligned. Does that sound about right???
My goal is to lower it about 3 inches front and 2 inches back. The rear axle has already been flipped, so lowering blocks or even just removing a leaf will take care of that end. I don't want to remove any more leaves from the front, in fact, with a dropped axle, I'll probably put at least one back (2 are presently out).
I don't want it too low as it's a daily driver, which includes occasional crappy road and dirt hauling duty. It's a nice truck and I don't want to abuse it, but I need to use it... Just don't wanna end dragging anything along...
I was considering the mono leaf option as a way to save a few bucks and maybe do a little less work... I've been down that road so many times in the past, almost alway ending up spending more and working harder
Ya'd think I'd learn......