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Old 07-07-2009, 12:11 AM   #3
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Wa.
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Re: i gotta get stress out..

Considering its your folks house I think I would try to keep the noise down as much as possible. They are the one catching the flak from the neighbors.

We all love the sound of uncorked headers. Just try to be conscientious of those who don't.

When my oldest son was younger...late teens...he had one of those crazy loud stereos in his car. He would crank that thing up and Id have to get on him to turn it down. His response was if the neighbors didnt like it too bad...they can close their doors. Course even if you did the bass would still be thumping through their walls.

He's 28 now, nice wife, four year old daughter and recently moved into their first new home. We were all sitting in the front yard and the neighbor kid had his stereo cranked up very loud. My son was saying...that damn kid drives me nuts cranking his stereo up like that. You can hear it all over the whole neighborhood. I just started cracking up...what goes around eventually comes around.
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