I was no angel while livin at the parents house with my V8 toys either, but it is very disrespectfull to the neighbors. I chilled out one day when one of them who was a big ol' retired US Marine, he barked at me in a way that puts chills down your back while I was breakin in a cam with no muffs. Ever since then I was more aware that I was working in the back yard of a house, not in some industrial park garage bay with rail road tracks next door.
I'm older now, and a home owner on a nice quiet block. When I fire up the Harley, I baby it out of the hood. I will even give a heads up to my closest neighbor, that I am takin off early in the morning for a road trip since his bedroom window is right next to my garage. It's all good, and him and his wife don't give the stink eye at me later on.
Right now you are getting a kick out of it, which is to be expected given your situation. But, karma has a way of slappin you in the head later in life. So if I were you I'd chill out while you are ahead