Originally Posted by Dark Knight
Sure am glad that I live on a farm out in the middle of nowhere... 
That is why live in the country!!!! I can be loud and pee on every tree if I want with no neighbor problems. I can have 10 cars and blast my AC/DC as loud as I want with my shirt off and a Coors in one hand and a BFH in the other beating the crap out of what ever is broke!!!!
I lived in town for 4 years before I moved here and it sucked, I was getting warned by the local police 3-4 times a month for my BBC monte carlo being too loud and bothering the neighbors. I never even left a black mark on the road, just driving.
You either have to be a lemmings and follow their rules/norms or move some place that it does not matter. You are young....you are suppose to be a pain in the a$$ to old people. They would complain if you were working on your bicycle and rode it in front of their house....they are old....and they are mad because they are dying soon. If you worry about making people mad you sould sell your Chevy and get a prius!!!!JK...that was funny though!!!!