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Old 07-09-2009, 02:50 PM   #31
68 Quad C10
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Re: 68 Quad Cab build

Originally Posted by nuke1 View Post
So you build cars for a living also then i take it. Do you do it for living or on the side. From what i could tell from your wesite, you have done some really nice work. glad to have you on board. later.
its like my second job (the one that i enjoy) but we do build cars for people and our own of coarse (i work at an engineering firm as my true job) my dad has built cars for my entire life so that is where i picked up on it he tried to keep me away from it so i would go to school and get into a career that will make me a good living so i went into drafting and then ended up with my BS industrial design degree which i then inturn began focus on building cars so he did suceed in it sort of but now that is all i want to do is cars, it is a work in progress maybe one day it will be my only job.... but no the car end of things is more along a side hobby

My Quad Cab build:


65 GTO Build (If you wanna check it out)

Last edited by 68 Quad C10; 07-09-2009 at 03:01 PM.
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