Well, if any of you are watching us on SPOT we are still out here although we had to come into Page, AZ this evening to lick our wounds, get supplies and perform a few minor repairs to the trucks. After two days in the dirt we needed a hotel so we are at the Marriott at Lake Powell. The Dodge ate a set of front hubs and I have lighting issues that we need to deal with tomorrow morning.
I must say the back roads of the Grand Canyon are absolutely amazing! There are several hundred pictures we uploaded tonight to Flickr and I have one more camera to pull pictures from that got burnt up. Apparently, the USB power port on the Black and Decker inverter pumps too much power as it seems to have let the smoke out of the wife's brand new Olympus Camera.
We saw Toroweap (Tuweep), which was awesome, and we just about made it to SB point but the Dodge ran into some issues where we had to tow it back to camp but we did see 100 canyon point by mistake by making a wrong turn someplace. It is fascinating to get on line and follow our SPOT tracks to see what it looks like from 50,000 ft. Towing another rig on these tight trails for a few miles is a real time consuming job.
The '78 is running great other than it doesn't like to transfer fuel from the RH tank to the LH tank in hot weather unless you pull the LH tank fuel cap off. Also broke an exhaust hanger and there is a nasty rattle developing under the dash that needs an inspection in the morning. The trailer lost an axle dust cap way the hell back there so the bearings needs some lovin too.
Here are a few pics.
Buddy Bill trying to figure out where in the heck were are and how to get to where we wanted to go. GPS sucks around here!
100 Mile Canyon
It is HOT, I don’t care who you are!
Roadside panhandlers and the way to Page. Got momma nice bracelet! Hopefully she forgives me for letting the smoke out of her camera!
The rest of the pictures are here (and more coming!)…
Adios for now.
......Planing on roaming around AZ and UT for a while longer then will probably camp one night in the CO mountains on the way home so there probably won't be any other updates until we get home.....unless we decide to get another hotel Sunday night.