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Old 03-31-2003, 04:12 AM   #4
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 2,499
1. Somebody spent $20,000 on this thing and there is no A/C on it ?!?

2. You lower them to make them look like they handle (?) and then you stick fat meats on the rear that send the back end around when the first rain drop hits the road.

3. You get a $8,000 paint job on it and then park it somewhere and someone puts a nice ding in the side with their door, you take it to the body shop to get that ding fixed and they laugh you out of the place because everybody knows you can't match the paint.

4. The nice and "shiny" paint gets the thing stolen within one hour
because both monkeys and thieves like "shiny" things.

5. Speaking of thieves; You try to rob a Seven-Eleven in it and you don't get very far because your truck is so unique that everybody knows you drive it and the cops are waiting in your driveway for you when you get home.

6.Speaking of cops; You get pulled over every third block because the cops think people that drive vehicles like that couldn't be a lawyer and are therefore easy prey. (happens often around here)

7. A real cute girl asks you to help her move because you have a "truck" and you have to turn her down because of the fuel cell in the back and $250 worth of Russel hoses hooked up to it that might get scratched by her bed frame. ( the same bed frame she will ask you to help set up and "adjust"!)

8.You buy it have to park the thing because OPEC sets the price of a barrel of oil at $75 (4 years from now) and you have a 3/4" fuel line feeding a big block with a carb that was designed by OPEC.

9. Every time you crank it up and "blast" everyone around you with the Flowmasters you show that you have a "hidden" problem of some sort most likely from being short or having some other "short" complex that we cannot discuss on this board.
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