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Old 07-16-2009, 08:08 AM   #7
Slots go on anything!
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Re: Need HELP quick please!!!!!!!

Where is the door hanging? The doors on these trucks have a nice habit of cracking around the hinges. Make sure that is not the case. Also, you need to replace the plastic bushing on the striker bolt to make it shut right, too.
I don't remember there being a steel bushing? Is the door section of your hinge wallowed out from the pin moving? The bushing that you are showing as a "Steel" bushing just looks like an oversized bushing. If the smooth (smaller) bushing just slipped into place, you need to drill the hole out, and press the larger (with the serrated edge) bushing into place. The bushings are installed on the body side of the hinge. Use a bolt the same diameter as the pin with a flat washer on each side to press them in (it will go in as you tighten the nut- that's the easiest way I have found to get them in). Install the pins from the top, so they won't be prone to walk out. If the doors still drag, a door alignment tool (it looks like a bar that rests on the striker, with another striker on the bar to catch the door latch) can be used to bend the door slightly to make it align. If the slop is eliminated in the hinge and striker, it should stay put, provided the door is not cracked out at the hinge.

Last edited by Jonboy; 07-16-2009 at 08:20 AM.
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