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Old 04-01-2003, 01:31 AM   #11
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Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Post Falls, Idaho
Posts: 381
whats up

I keep hearing people talk about Bo bailing this texparts guy out of trouble. What is that all about. Do they have a business together? Is one safe to deal with? I detest people burning people on parts deals here or on ebay. One thing I have to admit though, is that my plating business has picked up since board members have been screwed by other platers. The feedback for 67-72 parts on ebay is not to bad. Only three negatives. Wierd how his feedback on this board seems to suck, but on ebay it is ok? BTW, I feel for you guys who have gotten burned. I know what that is like, I can assure you of that. Take care guys.
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