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Old 07-18-2009, 09:34 AM   #7
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Re: Tailgate Bands Pics/options/diy

You can use a blazer panel. You just have to take the mouting cage of the back and swap it with a pickup mounting cage. You also have to tweak the edges a little bit to match the curve of the tailgate. The corners of a pickup panel have a slight curve in the to fit the recessed area of the tailgate. The blazer tailgate is flat. I just ground down the inside of the corners until I was happy with the fit. I scored my panel at a swap meet for $40. I liked the look of the panel with my clear taillights but I wanted a "shaved" look. I didn't relocate my handle (yet) so I have to jimmy the tailgate open with a screwdriver. I flip it as I get closer to finishing the truck.

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