Originally posted by Mike76251
What planet did you say you were from???
Any real estate for sale there??
I am a law obiding (sp?) citizen, don't drive like an ass, and for the most part follow all the rules of the road. I am 29 and did the exact oposite of the above when I was in my teens/early twenties...learned my lessen real fast by losing my license for 30 days and paying numerous speeding/moving violations! If the cops are being d*cks where you live, maybe you are giving them a reason.
As far as real estate, at the price houses are going for around here...it ain't worth it! I am glad I got mine before the prices went thru the roof...I made $45,000 in equity in 1.5 years on my house and all I did was add a 1 3/4 bath and family room to the basement ($3000 invested total). Cant wait to install the new windows and siding (still have 50 yr old windows and shakes!).