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Old 07-18-2009, 09:58 PM   #3
red caddy
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Location: Venice Florida
Posts: 83
Re: Fuel Pressure Regulator Help Needed

If you want to run the stock (in tank) pump, you can use the stock (5/16" ?)supply line and run a 3/8ths" return line back to the tank. Get a billet style aluminum fuel filter holder (summit/jegs, speedway) splice it in the return line down stream of a "T" fitting feeding the carb. Supply line into bottom leg of the "T", 90 deg. leg to carb, (good place to mount a pressure guage) return line out the top end of the "T", thru the fuel filter holder and back to tank.

Remove the filter from the holder and fabricate a metal or plastic plug with the same dimentions as the filter, drill a hole thru it lengthwise,(start with ~ 3/32nds" drill) By changing the size of the hole in the "Pill" you can regulate the pressure availible at the carb inlet and still have full line flow availible to the float valves. The constantly flowing fuel will cool the pump adequately and you can easily add a hidden inline switch to the pump as an anti theft measure. (I promise not to laugh at you when you forget to turn the pump on and the truck dies in traffic, BTDT.)

When you are first setting the fuel pressure, don't hook the line to the carb. (you can screw the guage directly into the tee) You don't want to fill the engine with fuel. (don't ask) It will take several tries to get the pressure setting you want. Run the pump, check pressure, stop pump, remove , drill, replace the "pill", run the pump, check the pressure, etc.. RED

Last edited by red caddy; 07-18-2009 at 10:00 PM.
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