Thread: New ride
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Old 07-18-2009, 11:15 PM   #9
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Re: New ride

The hood strap is for pulling the hood off. I fixed the electric fans started detailing everything including the motor and the interior. I repainted the head light bezels and hooked up the sound system not that you can hear it over the motor Its nothing special just a Kenwood CD 200 watt amp and some 6.5" in the door. I have some MA audio 8" for behind the seats I just need a box that will fit. I will be ordering a new front bumper & grill shell and I am considering a billet grill but we will see.
I plan on taking her to her first show in Aug. in Bend Or
Here is arefew other shots of her.

Last edited by cl79c10; 07-18-2009 at 11:17 PM.
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