Originally posted by bigblock73
I am a law obiding (sp?) citizen, don't drive like an ass, and for the most part follow all the rules of the road. I am 29 and did the exact oposite of the above when I was in my teens/early twenties...learned my lessen real fast by losing my license for 30 days and paying numerous speeding/moving violations! If the cops are being d*cks where you live, maybe you are giving them a reason.
As far as real estate, at the price houses are going for around here...it ain't worth it! I am glad I got mine before the prices went thru the roof...I made $45,000 in equity in 1.5 years on my house and all I did was add a 1 3/4 bath and family room to the basement ($3000 invested total). Cant wait to install the new windows and siding (still have 50 yr old windows and shakes!).
The cops don't mess with me, it is what they do to other people that gets me around here.
I, like you, outgrew wild driving years ago. What did it for me was a few advanced biology courses in college. You know...seeing the results of force on a body.
50 yr old shakes ???????? What are they.....slate?
That is good life out of shakes!
Go with the best windows you can find. I tell people to do that even if they have to do a few at a time. It pays off later. I like the copper-clad Pellas. Expensive but permanent.
You must have the only yellow truck in town. I cannot remember ever seeing one around here. The trucks of our vintage are all rust and primer around here.
That hood looks good, when Chevy designed that scoop they did one of the best ever. It even looks good on a Ford.
You got shakes to rip off so we will talk later.