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Old 07-22-2009, 02:05 PM   #1
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Will these stock 1995 Chevy wheels fit a stock '53?

I dont need anything thats safe running down the road - I just need them to fit the stock front end of my '53 GMC. My fronts are flat and rather than paying a lot of money for new tires, I'd rather slap these on until I can get something proper. I have the chance to get 4 of these with tires for practically nothing.

the truck will just be sitting there - it doesn't even run. Just need something that will hold air. I'm worried about the center hole being too small to clear the stock stuff...any help? Even if they just slide on barely enough to put the lugs on - that's all I need

will these work?
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Last edited by MrTucker; 07-22-2009 at 02:08 PM.
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