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Old 07-25-2009, 10:10 AM   #8
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Re: My 4.3 has a miss

Originally Posted by 68C15 View Post
why can't I hear about this stuff when I'm at work? you have my # Larry (guilt trip)

IIRC the P013X's are O2 related. P0135 is O2 1-1 not switching, I think.

at first you said you have sooty plugs on bank 1 but later you show a code P0304 (cyl 4 miss). I would be curious to see what the missfire counters are. sometimes a cylinder after the one missing can show as a miss, ie. #5 is missing but #4 is counting.

all 3 on bank 1 leads me away from an ignition miss. I would have to see the fuel trims to be sure. I am thinking you may have a leaking fuel pressure regulator.

I will talk to the warden and see if next weekend I could take a trip and bring some tools/scanner. BTW, I need to stretch the legs on my Kaw. NO, I will not have room to bring a muffler back with me. LOL
Its a pretty mild feeling miss so I was wondering if it could be the cheapie cap & rotor I put on last year. I cleaned it up a little the other night & put it back on but it didnt help. Thats when the code went from O300 to 0304 so..........I got a new cap & rotor today along with a new fuel filter. I am going to clean out the TB reeeeeeal good today & swap the above parts. I also bought a fuel pressure gauge to test my fuel pressure. Ill let you know, may call next week. E or PM me your work #. Ill call from work, cell is dead till next week (Im broke now). Sheesh, Im not happy with this thing. Oh, is there anyway at all this could have led from me changing out the fuel filler tube to the stepside style? Thats exactly when this started & I saw where a certain van tube caused problems & it gave me this idea...Tired of typing now...
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