After a couple months of getting hustled around by the guy that was suposed to bring this when he came to pick up another, I decided to borrow my dads truck and trailer and go get it myself. It is a little rougher than I originally thought based on pictures, but thats ok its a project. First we start to try to pull it on the trailer with the winch and one wheel was locked up so we had to hook on to it with the pickup and drag it ahead to get the wheel to unlock, finally managed to get it loaded right when it started pouring rain! The packrats have got in to in in the last couple months, it was clean when I seen pics of it before now inside the cab and under the hood is horible

blasted packrats

The glass looked good in the pics but the windsheild is toas along with the pasenger side window someone did a horible job at trying to repair the front fenders and the drivers door is toast. But now sometime I can get started on it may be a lil bit before I have a chance to dive into it but at least its home now! Another GMC to add to the heard. Can someone decode that vin for me?