One of the plans for my truck was to add an electric fan setup. So I did some searching on the board and looked a hundreds of threads about electric fans and I found a great write up by boardmember Shifty that seemed to meet my needs. I won't go throught the details of what I did, because you can look through Shifty's thread below and see the details. I basically copied his instructions and everything worked out perfectly.
Electric fan thread
The parts I bought for my fan setup from Wes at Classic Hearbeat and Paul at GMCPauls were all top quality parts. This was also the first time I purchased anything from either one of these board vendors and the customer service was top notch from both. I'll be sending them more business in the future.
Powdercoated shroud from GMCPauls
Flex-a-lite fans from Classic Heartbeat
Fans mounted to shroud. Real clean look so far.
Shroud mounted to radiator
Then I mounted the complete setup to the core support for a photo shoot.
I'll be adding a serpentine setup to the motor as well when the budget allows. Once I get that installed I can test fire the 350 finally.

The addition of the serpentine kit along the electric fans should the give the engine compartment a clean uncluttered look. Stay tuned for future updates.