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Old 07-26-2009, 07:52 PM   #8
terd ferguson
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Re: Another what's it worth...

Originally Posted by jonzcustomshop View Post
just bring a good box cutter and a few extra blades.

here would be the deal..if the winshield is good, it would probably be worth more to the yard out anyway,it would save them the labor.

if it is junk, you could remove it like it says how to in the manual, by peeling the rubber from the inside while pushing on the glass...(this is a real easy way to ruin a good winshield, so don't try it with a good one).or you could just kick it out.

when you get it out just set it in the hole, so weather dosen't get in the cab.

there is no reason to try to save the rubber, the windshield and trim are worth way more than new rubber.

I think the only way this trim works is to install/uninstall in the rubber out of the truck.
if you try to pry it out , it will end up bent.

just let the yard know what you have to do, I doubt they will care about the rubber, and if they do don't let them charge you more than $15 for it(a little less than 1/2 of a new one)
Thanks. If I gotta take the windshield out to get the trim out clean, that's just what I'll have to do.

Does anyone have an idea of what I should ask for these?
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