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Old 07-27-2009, 05:41 AM   #135
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Everett, WA
Posts: 326
Re: It’s Just A Pickup

Like to take this time to thank all for the positive and encouraging comments it’s really appreciated and spurs me on to continue, thanks again.

I posted a correction to post #120 my mistake the dimension for locating the hole in one of the hinge sides was wrong. New picture (hinge 3a) inserted in #120 post, sorry about that.

Just keeping track of what is going into this rebuild

Being a little lazy not wanting to type in all the part numbers of the new parts. Just took some pictures of the tags and parts for the left hand side only (note the same parts will be installed on the right hand side – no part numbers or pictures posted for right hand side)

I looked at all the panels when I picked them up for damage but this just gave me a second chance to inspect them closer for damage and condition. There was a small dime size dent in the right hand fender. With all the shipping and handling of large panel parts this sometimes can be expected no need for me to reject/return it, minor repair will be required.

In all respect the TRIPLUS parts look to be of good quality with a good coat of paint inside and out. But of course the final test is when their installed and how they fit.

Name:  Panels-1.jpg
Views: 13035
Size:  99.2 KB

Name:  Panels-2.jpg
Views: 12967
Size:  98.1 KB

Name:  Panels-3.jpg
Views: 12947
Size:  90.0 KB

The next few days of work will be spent checking fit dimensions to make sure the parts will fit right and not cause any problems. With this many new parts going together if anyone of them is out it could cause problems for the others and the end results might not be as good as possible.

In Washington State we have a few weeks a year that the temperature gets into the high 80s and 90s. So here I sit in my shorts with a fan trying to keep cool, not a pretty sight but you do what you need to do. It was just a few months ago I was complaining about staying warm (LOL). The rebuild might slow some do to the weather but it will not be stopped.
My Build Thread:
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