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Old 07-27-2009, 07:07 AM   #155
Keith Seymore
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Re: Intro from an old Assembly Plant guy

I have a grille!

This thing fought me the whole way, but I managed to git 'er done this weekend.

With the installation of the grille that means that everything forward of the b pillar on the exterior is done!

Next, it's off to the paint shop for the box, hopefully within the next day or two.


The grille itself was used, purchased from ScottH (thanks again, Scott). I sprayed it with Duplicolor Argent silver (FM149), along with the headlight bezels. I reused his parking lamps and stainless, with the exception of the center bars (new) and I also replaced the stainless around the grill opening.

I repainted my original bowtie while I was at it, retouching the black border around the chrome and then the "gold/yellow" in the center

This shows the center bars, painted body colored (Duplicolor red WA 7475, code 72).

Chevrolet Flint Assembly
GM Full Size Truck Engineering
1986 - 2019
Intro from an Old Assembly Guy:
My Pontiac story:
Chevelle intro:

Last edited by Keith Seymore; 02-19-2018 at 10:40 AM.
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