Did they use recirculating ball type in '62? You can redo those for cheap. I don't know about a "kit" to rebuild...maybe they existed 30 years ago, but I doubt there is much demand now.
This is from my memory, I am not an expert on this: I redid my '63 years ago, and basically there are just bronze bushings that are standard sizes and you can get them in the diameter and thickness you need from a bearing supply house, and cut them to the length you need. Drive out the old with a brass punch. You can make a gasket for the cover plate out of sheet gasket material from the parts store. If you have wear on the balls or the tracks, you may need oversized balls

. I think I saw an article in a mag in recent years where they sent a manual box to someone and followed the rebuild. Search for it on the web.
Good luck, and don't loose any of the balls.