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Old 07-28-2009, 10:15 AM   #658
283 Drama Queen
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Re: The 283 Rebuild Begins

Piston Ring Seating Myth Time:

The truck is coming home after I leave work at 5PM Friday, 7/31. The shop is 1.5 miles from my house - which should allow time to get 'The Tan' up to operating temperature.

If it's actually ready for driving home I plan on taking her down some small hills (about 75 feet in elevation) and mashing the crap out of the accelerator (once I'm sure the brakes function correctly) and get up to about 70 mph and slam on the brakes as hard as I can (drums all around with power booster), go back up the hill and repeat the process 3-4 times, and/or get arrested for speeding in a 35 mph zone.

The Myth?: It seats the rings before the honing cross-hatch has worn off.

......or not?
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My ex-wife never let me get a word in edgewise.
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