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Old 07-29-2009, 10:53 PM   #17
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Re: new from ft.worth Texas

Welcome from fort worth (a little late.. lol). I just acquired a 91 suburban and i am fixing to do a similar swap. Did you get a noticeable increase in power? I know mines a bit different being tbi and all but im just not satisfied with the get up and go. i know its a big truck but its also my daily driver and will also be my trip vehicle. Im looking for better mileage over the 12mpg i get now, but i want some added pep. the wiring is no big deal for me but did you run into any clearance issues? which adapter plates did you use? also my speedo is electric being a 91 but out of curiousity what did you do for a speedo with yours being mechanical? im hoping my speedo will work with no modifications but probably not. lol
thanks and welcome to the board.
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