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Old 07-30-2009, 09:45 AM   #9
red caddy
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Venice Florida
Posts: 83
Re: hauling a frame to scrap...

My preferred method is "sawzall". Cut it into "man sized" chunks and hual it your self. Around here, if I hual it to the scrapyard (~20 miles away) they pay .03 cents a pound for the whole carcass or .05 cents a pound for clean steel and cast iron, but this has to be cut up and separated.

I scrap out 2 or 3 cars a year, I strip what I can sell or store, cut up and sort the rest and stack it on my trailer 'till I get a load worth hualing to the scrapper. all the non scrapable stuff, interior, plastic , glass etc. goes to the land fill in my weekly garbage pickup. The independant scrappers are pretty competitive around here and will pick out the aluminum and copper that I miss and take the (cut up) sheet metal and chrome for free so it works well for all concerned. RED
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