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Old 04-02-2003, 09:38 PM   #30
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first of all...screw him..and for the nice guy Bo..your business is only as strong as your partner(s) Since Bo has not disavowed the scum bag James, there has to be more to the arraingment than we know. I had a worthless good for nothing cousin I used to cover for all the time..did more harm then good.. I do appreciate the heads up..with the sum bag(s) in question, but as far as giving advice or feeling sorry for is HIS partner and I am sure that he knows whats going on.
It's called "drag racing" if they called it "tic..tic..WHAM!..BANG! F*&K!!!", they'd have to keep the magazines under the counter with the other men's publications

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67 lwb..first hotrod in 25 years..540 best ET is 9.45 @ 141.44
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