Thread: Pic of linkage?
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Old 04-03-2003, 12:07 AM   #8
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Hey Brian! Long time, no see! Sorry to change the subject, but here's a picture for you......

Look familiar??? If not, let me refresh your memory..... I bought a set of the below pictured hubcaps from you. They turned out to be the wrong ones. You told me you'd refund my money if I sent them back. I sent them back and I've never seen my money. Your dad even told me he'd send me the money.........still haven't seen it. Have you been able to save up $60 since then???? If so, I'll give you my address and you can drop a check in the mail.

Oh sorry, I can't help with your clutch linkage problem
Jason - '67 GMC swb | '57 Bel-Air 4dr hardtop | '56 210 4dr Wagon | 2000 GMC Sierra
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