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Old 08-01-2009, 05:48 PM   #1
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Highland, IN
Posts: 64
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Well I purchased the truck August of last year from a long time family friend who used the truck as his daily driver/scrap hauler for his radiator shop. Since I have purchased the truck I have used it as a daily driver when I was home for the weekends or on break from school.

The truck is your standard no options truck. 250 straight 6, 3 speed on the column, no power breaks or steering, no A/C, radio delete.

I am a full time college student and only 20, my funds are limited since I only have a job during the summer months, and i spend the rest of the year away at school.

My plans for the truck are as follows:
swap 250 and manual trans for a mild 327 and a powerglide
add power disc brakes and steering
drop it 3.5/5 or 4/6 not sure yet
body work and replace sheet metal
paint it hugger orange or a satin orange of some kind

I should have pics up sometime this weekend or early next week when I figure out how to post them
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