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Old 08-02-2009, 09:41 PM   #28
Tonawanda 454
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Re: Tahoe is totaled.

good to hear everyone is ok... I had a much worse accident in 2004 and got squat from the insurance company.

One thing to remember, in most states you have every right to get your personal belongings out and off of the vehicle, and that includes any custom parts or pieces you added. You mentioned the cold air intake, I see custom taillights, and anything else you added custom. I would check with the local laws before removing anything to make sure, but I know most states allow this since it goes to the junk yard or crusher anyways..
91 Chevy Suburban Tonawanda 454 R2500 - SOLD!!!
04 Dodge Durango 5.7L Hemi 2WD, 24K miles (as of July 2011)
In the past 30 years about 90% of Fords are still on the road, the other 10% made it home.
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