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Old 08-03-2009, 04:03 PM   #7
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Re: Frame not sitting level ??????????

I had the same problem on my 1960, 5/8" lower on the driver side.

To confirm exactly what is wrong I'd suggest jacking up the truck and resting the frame on 4 jackstands. Then measure side to side to see if there is a variance and how much, or if it remains the same as when the chassis is loaded.

You can also try this only resting the front or rear of the frame on stands and measuring side to side on the other end. This will narrow it down to front springs, rear springs, a frame alignment problem, or it could even be trailing arm bushings, bad cab mounts, bed mounts, etc.

If you have gas shocks, you might check to make sure one of them hasn't gone bad. Especially in the rear, having one good gas shock against a dead one will lift the good side.

When I first recognized the leaning problem I swapped rear springs side for side since it was easy to do, and it had no effect. On my truck this indicated the problem was my new 1 inch lowering springs in the front. Since it was too much trouble and expense to replace front springs or try swapping them side for side, I installed a 1 inch "rubber dual groove spring spacer" on the left front spring. I managed to get about 3/4 of the rubber coil installed in my spring, and it leveled the truck perfectly. A quick search on Ebay will show you what they look like.

If you just bought your rear springs I wouldn't resort to a spacer. Since they are so easy to remove I'd take them back and ask for another pair.

Personally I gave up on buying springs at a parts store or restoration supplier. My front springs started to mismatch within a month and the new rear springs were so heavy the chassis wouldn't bounce. I waited too long to return them and had to go back to my original springs for a while. When it came time to improve the ride quality on my truck I had a custom spring shop make news springs which were tested dimensionally and under load. They were expensive but the truck now rides like a passenger car. Good luck, M.
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