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Old 08-05-2009, 09:50 PM   #5
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Paris, Tx
Posts: 16
Re: changing rear gears how hard is it

use an impact to tighten the pinion nut, because if you use the old style crush sleeve you wont crush the sleeve by hand. you want to set your backlash at .003-.006 for a drag race application on a 9"(as long as you are using new R&P)

an impact with 9/16", 3/4" and 1 1/16"(im pretty sure for pinion nut) impact sockets should pretty much do ya, except i use a wrench for the keepers. make sure to red locktite the ring gear bolts, and blue locktite all other bolts and torque to proper spec.

i agree red, i have done a hundred or so 9" chunks, mainly for circle track cars, and they are by far the easiest to set up, and being able to swap complete chunk on the go is great.
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