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Old 04-03-2003, 10:12 PM   #1
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Posts: 12
chat down again #%$#

the chat server is down but for now you can all connect to this server till the other one is fixed any way heres the info if you need help im me yodycass or post a message i still need to talk to who ever is in charge of the chat

MIRC open it up, then under MIRC options in the top right corner there will be a "ADD" button, click on that, then under description put anything you want, I use "67-72trucks"
Under IRC server put:
Under port(s) put: 6667
And put nothing under group also nothing under password. Then click "add" after that is done go back to the main option page and fill out all the info. Real name, email address user name, etc. After that is done click "connect to IRC server", its in the middle. When you are connected to type: /join #67-72Chevy. THAN YOUR DONE! Now experience chatting on its full potential with mIRC! (took this from mirc instruction on site)
As the curtain calls, and the cast recedes, I am all that ever was and all that ever will be. In wither and repose this frayed chapter now does close, and fade into neon black
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