GMCPaul & WES (Classic Heartbeat)...
I have dealt from both Paul and Wes and I will say both are CLASS ACTS...They know their trucks and they can both be trusted. About 99% of all the parts I have bought to fix up my 70cst are being bought from either Paul or Wes. They are price competitive compared to most other places and lower on many items yet the products they sell are quality parts. Hey...Wes and Paul...Do I get a hat yet? HEHEHE.
I'm sure there are other good suppliers but these are the two I have got to know and why change when your satisfied. They also both have a nice web page. And no I'm not related to either...But then again I can be bought! HEHEHE. That's enough from me. Just my .0002 cents worth.
Remember: Anyone can drive a new truck but it takes someone with class to drive a 67-72 Chevy/GMC Truck!

Dewayne 70cst