So at this point, I started messing with him...."$1500 ??"
The kid did not know anything about this I was like "Man thats a lot of work to repair this runs right you said ?"
"yeap, let me get some gas and a jumper battery..."
Hooked up the battery, and I drove my truck back there and jumped it. It did start right away, and sounded really good....6 cyl, powerglide...BTW.
The column is loose, so I gently moved it to R and boom major reverse D...nothing...the linkage was binding, so at this point not sure if tranny is bad or not.
"Man the tranny is shot!!"
By this time, I knew this truck was gonna be mine..I was excited.
I told him...ok "$500 ?"
"Well, I think my pops wants at least $800"....I then said..."It's cool man, thanks for your time...."
"Hold on, let me call him!"....he countered with $650....
So, I loaded it up:




After loading it, I noticed this thing had brand new exhaust...from the engine, down to a new Flow, then split out the sides..kinda where the Chief had his (or her) pipes...

I also noticed, that someone had just recently lowered it using new coils...I was wondering what the shiny black things were among the rusty undercarriage...the fronts are blue...Manufacture ??





The guy was really helpfull back at his dealership. This truck was originally donated to a Kars-4-Kids type of thing, so they picked it up at an aution...but never did anything with it.
Being the pink was stamped with his dealer stamp, he had to print out all the DMV paperwork for me.
I even had to initial and sign this long a$$ form as if I was buying a new car from him....He took care of everything, and gave we a folder for the DMV. He even gave me a 3 month temp sticker for the window if I needed it.
I stopped half way home to check my straps.