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Old 08-17-2009, 11:50 AM   #19
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Wink Re: What carb do you 350 guys run??

Originally Posted by toms84ss View Post
But any carb you choose will need to be tuned to your truck no matter who makes it.
That is very true.

Another tip I got from my pal who tuned my carburetor... who used Holley on his 302 sbf... he went to buy a carb. at the store and the fella there told him to get the rebuilt by Holley carb.. His reasons are kinda interesting... he said that it is a rebuilt job, warrantied and all that, costs a little less... but the difference in the rebuilt units is that someone who knows about rebuilding the Holley carbs actually sat and went through the rebuilt units as opposed to them just being built on the assembly line when they are new. He went with one of the rebuilt units and never had any problems with it for the several years he had the car.

This is what my 350 has... it was on there when I bought it:

Carburetor: Holley - Model 4160 - single pumper 600cfm.

Intake: Edelbrock Standard Performer - Dual Plane

Good luck,

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