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Old 08-17-2009, 08:35 PM   #5
turp mcspray
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Re: Would you.... 402?

If you were going through all the trouble to swap in a bb, I would step up to a 454. I originally went from a 350 to a 400. Went from 10mpg with a dead 350, to 9mpg with 400 and had WAY more power. Well worth losing the 1mpg. Now I'm moving up to a 454. (For some reason you just can't have enough power). I know of a couple of other guys who got into the teens for mpg with 454s. I'm going for as much low end torque as I can to maximize milage. Ported peanut ports, tri-y headers, as much compression as possible, etc. IMO a 402 isn't a big enough bb to justify the work involved. But I would still snag the 402...just because!
Turp Mcspray
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