Thread: lifted 89 s10
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Old 08-17-2009, 09:36 PM   #5
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Re: lifted 89 s10

Originally Posted by 69-350 View Post
38-40" range is pushing it for a D44. 35's is big, 37's are about pushin it. Depends on how hard he runs it though. I've seen rockcrawlers run D44 with 40's, and not break too much, but even they'll say that's a bit on the high end. If he wants to abuse the hell out of it, I would run D60/14B with 38 or 40s
yea thats good point, i told him, he sed he knows which is why hes using the dana 44 to get everything in place and use it so he can at least drive it, but not offroad it until he gets the money for a dana 60.
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