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Old 08-20-2009, 02:29 PM   #9
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Re: Custom 77-80 GMC grill

Thanks to everyone for the feedback. Glad to hear that everyone likes it.

TexasJeff - Did you find a good way to get the paint to stick ? The plastic on mine is kinda rough, as if the elements were eroding it. It either needs to be sanded and smoothed, or maybe even a skim coat of body filler laid over it.

Driveway Dreams - I can believe that. I was in Colorado about a month ago and got sunburned. Caught me off guard because I usually don't get sunburned here.

77BBGMC - Don't know of any repro's of the factory grill. For 77-80 grill choices I have seen the one that you see in my first pic, and the other being the same grill with metal trim pieces stuck on the center bar. Seems like the high end Sierra Classic trim level got it.
1977 GMC Sierra Grande
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