We worked on the truck for an hour or two. Not much in the way of progress. I was able to find out it looks like we won't need a different drive shaft. I stuck the original in the tail shaft and raised it up to the rear diff. and it looks to be a pretty good fit. (I can't find the hardware for the u-joints, hope I can find some replacements). I don't know for sure how much slack is needed for suspension travel? Anyway, I am putting off the need to get started on the wiring. I was able to get all the broken studs out of the d/s exhaust manifold. (that was a pain!) I will try to get some pics. I was able to weld washers to the studs (several times) heat it up and get them out. I still have to weld the bung in the d/s for the o2 sensor.
This project has really tested my patients, so far I am losing big time! So far I have had to fight with the motor mount bolts, the tranny cross member, the exhaust manifold bolts and on and on. This is what happens when you don't do any serious wrench turning for 15 years. I hope my son doesn't get half of my short temper!......here is some pics.
engine in its new home

Cross member needs to move<----- 3"

Driveshaft front

Driveshaft rear (I need caps too)