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Old 08-23-2009, 12:10 AM   #6
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Re: New Toy / Workhorse

Thanks guys, I'll check out those leads. I hope to get her home this week and get her cleaned up a bit and post some more pics. I think I found out why the fire dept retired this one. There was a long battery cable from the battery to a disconnect switch under the driver's seat, kind of at the bottom of the door opening. This cable had a hole rubbed in its insulation and was burnt almost in two. We replaced it with a new one and she fired up and ran like new, which she almost is anyway. I'll keep you posted with the progress on this one.
"I drive my pickup into the big city, 'n write my room number right on the bottom o' my boot. Jus' so I don't forget where I live. That's right, y'all. That's how I roll!"
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