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Old 08-24-2009, 11:53 AM   #6
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Re: Stainless muffler

Ok guys, good input. Lets take a look at my delimi here. I have a really nice custom built Y pipe that tucks up snug under the truck. I "really" hate to waste it and start from scratch running everything down the passenger side.

So, what I plan to do is eliminate the rattling cat, run a SI/SO muffler and as much tailpipe as I can squeeze under there.
This will probably end up in a turn down (or out) that faces toward the wheel well. I am just going to use slip joints and clamps till I find the right combo.

With that said, do you feel the long bullet style that Dynomax, Thrush, and Magnaflow offer are a good choice. Would I be better off with a traditional oval/square muffler?
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