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Old 08-25-2009, 07:47 PM   #1
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Angry Power window/lock troubles

I'm a total noob here, but I have found most of all your information helpful, and use this site as an excellent resource as well. I have just bought an 86 gmc 4x4 short bed and am looking forward to the rebuild. I paid only 500 for it, so you can imagine how much work I have in front of me! I was going to start with the doors, as winter is coming soon, and the vent windows leaked really bad. I ended up buying a set of doors (mine had holes the size of your fist rusted through) with power windows and locks. Included was the complete harness and ecu off of an 87. I replaced the drivers door so far, and nothing works. I have 12vdc at the fuse panel (on the orange and black constant power), and 12vdc to the big silver metal relay. Also, I have 12vdc to the lock switch. I assume (I do know what they say about assuming) the windows work on a reversing polarity, but I have no power at the switch to reverse. I maybe thought the relay was bad, but nobody can find one (nobody being napa, kragen, and autozone). I have read through the other threads, but none of them matched my symptoms. Any suggestions would be greatly appreaiated!
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