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Old 08-28-2009, 08:29 AM   #252
Keith Seymore
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Re: Intro from an old Assembly Plant guy

Yes - V6 (...we have a long and glorious tradition in my family of driving 6 cylinder pickups); factory tach, manual trans with cruise. It's quite a mixed bag....

I recall that I had to retrofit the cruise and the tach. The story was something like: they were available options with the manual trans but got stop ordered. When the stop order was lifted, engineering re-released the cruise and tach for the three-on-the-tree manuals but *forgot* about the floor shifted manual. As a result, I knew all the parts were available and would work but the system wouldn't allow me to order the truck that way.

I got the parts after the fact and installed them myself. 22 years later they're still working!

Chevrolet Flint Assembly
GM Full Size Truck Engineering
1986 - 2019
Intro from an Old Assembly Guy:
My Pontiac story:
Chevelle intro:
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