Well...lets see. I mentioned early in this thread the tips of the rear bumpstop were about 3/4 to 1" away from touching the axle. I think Jonz mentioned what drop they were.
Although, I did find a "Classic 6102" printed on the
FRONT springs though. I saw that when I jacked the thing up to inspect the NASTY tranny leak it has.
Turns out it's coming from the dipstick tube....also due to the fact the tranny is overfilled half way up the tube !!
I guess since the tranny had no forward gears, the PO decided to keep adding fluid untill it did !!

Someday, I will work on it....Pops was getting upset about me lagging, and now I am 'chained' to the Vette. (check out 'alternate tinkerings' for more updates)
Thinking about using the 700R4 behind that sixer...should work out good.